Summer Group Games Final Tally
Many thanks to the organizers, participants, and readers of the many genea-bloggers in the 2008 Genea-Blogger Summer Group Games! Thomas, Miriam, Kathryn and footnoteMaven, to name a few, put in a lot of effort and time into making this event a smashing success. Even if my knuckles are rather raw at this point!
Here are my final stats:
In regards to Category 1: Go Back and Cite Your Sources (C. 1): I didn't do a single task listed! NOT ONE. I did, however, read the recommended article"How to Cite Sources" by John Wiley. Perhaps that will earn me an honorable mention?
On to Category 2: Back Up Your Data! (C.2): I didn't sign up for this event so there!
Okay, Category 3: Organize Your Research (C.3): I didn't complete everything in this one, but I did earn a GOLD Medal by completing Task B (Added metadata to way more than 20 digital file); Task D (Organized way more than 20 digital photos into folders, etc. etc); and Task E (Scanned way more than 20 photos). I did not complete task A (organize at least 20 ancestral files, items, etc) because to be honest, there's nothing to organize. Oh, I have items all right, but they are already organized how I want them. Does that count? I didn't complete Task C because, quite frankly, I'm still scanning photographs; I won't be ready to put them into proper storage units until I'm finished scanning. I also did not create a master list of my files and notify anyone of where they are (Task F).. I suppose I should find them, first ;).
Now, Category 4: Write,Write, Write! (C. 4). I completed Task A (Write and publish a summary of my blog), Task B (partake in a genealogy related blog carnival), Task C (prepare several posts in draft mode to pre-publish), and Task D (Write a brief biographical sketch on one of your ancestors). I did not complete task E (Sign up to host a future carnival) because I didn't have time to find one that needed a host! So that leaves me with a DIAMOND Medal!
Finally, Category 5: Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness (C. 5): I commented on many new-to-me genea-blogs (T. A). I joined several genea-bloggers' blog networks on Facebook Blog Networks (T. B). And while I didn't join a genealogical, historical, heritage, or lineage society, I DID register for the 2008 Family History Expo in Mesa, Az in November! Does that count, since our genealogical society is only active Oct. through April? At the least, I earned a SILVER Medal for this category.
My Totals: 1 Gold medal, 1 Diamond Medal, and either 1 Silver Medal or a second Gold Medal. I'll let the judges make this call.
Thanks again to all who partook in this great event!
Congratulations on all your medals! I'm impressed with the extraordinary efforts put out by all the participants. A special thanks to Thomas, Miriam and Kathryn for their efforts organizing both the Genea-Bloggers group and these games. What a wonderful way to build community!
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